One-Design tow line

Dinghy rope

Dinghy Tow Rope maintains its strength when wet or dry, is easy to handle and highly visible.

Bouyant, lightweight line that's perfect for small one-design Bow/Tow Lines. One-Design Tow Line is a braided 16-plait of XLF fibers that allow it to float easily. It's round, firm shape, is ideal for handling and tying a knot for security.
Material: 16-Strand multi-filament polypropylene
technical data
Product Name Diameter [mm] Diameter [inch] Weight [lbs/100′] Tensile [lbs]
7151524 6 1/4 0.94 787
7151525 8 5/16 1.60 1,460
7151523 10 3/8 2.55 2,020


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